Thursday, June 18, 2009

Semi-Random Listing Of Events That Happened Over The Last 35 Days

In no specific order of chronology or importance.   ...or relevance.  This stuff just happened since I've been away.

The JPFitness Summit was a great little vacation, seeing old friends and meeting knew ones. This was my third Summit, and I'm already looking forward to the next one.

I just spent over a month with Galya, and each day was better than the last. It was wonderful to get to know her over and over again. Blah, blah, blah...

Gal in Long Beach

Here's a DMB song...

...featuring Lucky and Elizabeth from General Hospital.  When you're looking for an album version of some songs, you get a log of choices (Lulu and Logan, also from GH, etc.). Please enjoy the daytime tv lovefest (I just watch it for the song, really!) while you listen to some older Dave Matthews Band. No tears, please.

Gal and I kicked butt (on one event, in which Gal carried me, basically) at Chris's Couples Fitness Competition. Go watch the video. Thanks Chris, for the generous editing that makes me look awesome!

After the comp, Alan Aragon and family came out to play. We had a nice lunch and some healthy dessert!


Take a look at this poster.
Sandra Bullock is 5'7" and Ryan Reynolds is 6'2".  This poster seems a bit off scale.

She looks even shorter, here.  

Excuse the gibberish...

We got some Vibram Fivefingers.

Tony and his snake, Albino, take a walk around the lake.

Allie hates the camera.

I'm sure there was more of interest, but I'm tired now.  Later!

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